The blog of the traveller, observer and writer, Woz.
Happiness is the man with rhythm. Copyright © 2003-2021, Woz

Monday, August 29, 2005

Cruisin' with camera

I spent the day at Kew, and while I didn't get to reflect in solitude in the Japanese garden (it was a bank holiday), I did spend some time admiring the glass sculptures of Dale Chihuly. At first, I was put off by the placement of some of his sculptures - they looked as if they had been abandoned, but after some time I learn to appreciate the innate beauty of several sculptures. I took some photographs with both the Nikon S1 & my trusty Olympus C765UZ. They didn't turn out that well as it was a) busy, and b) I was limited in freedom of movement - no, not my jockstrap, just the reality of trying to avoid trampling rare plant life underfoot. I could do with a digital SLR and a tripod, but if truth be told, I just needed more time and space to get the shots I really wanted. Oh well. At least I managed to edit two poems whilst talking to the ducks.

The one below reminds me, for some reason, of the film 'Apocalypse Now'.

This one conjures up the image of Hartley Hare from the childrens TV show 'Pipkins' from the 1970s.

I think this piece was deserving of more light to showcase its curvature.

This final one reminded me of the film 'Aliens' crossed with psychedlic drugs.


Blogger Anne Marie said...

Sounds like you had a good day out. Gorgeous plants - have never seen any of them before as far as I can recall! I was at the newlyn Fish Festival where I got a sunburn. Oh well.

Ani x

8:41 am

Blogger Woz said...

It was great. I even found time for a spot of shopping - debating the merits of crossdressing with a shopassistant (Britta) in H & M.

I now have two more hats to add to my collection.

8:49 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ducks like their ditties, this is a much overlooked fact, and I am glad that they were so helpful to your editing process.

Have you ever seen Linda Macartney's botanical photographs (?), I believe that many of them were taken at Kew.

Ever felt like an interloper on Planet Plant?

1:26 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re. cross-dressing, begin with a necklace ;-) and add some heels!

1:31 pm


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