The blog of the traveller, observer and writer, Woz.
Happiness is the man with rhythm. Copyright © 2003-2021, Woz

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A quiet night in...

...yeah right, reading a commercial proposal to send off tomorrow. Mind you, 6 months of fannying about paid off this morning (k'ching), but it has only served to raise the barrier. Next month I get the privilege of doing another APAC tour, this time for three weeks, losing four weekends in a row. Hmmm...should be a blast actually - and I have Krakow to look forward to next well as Susana Baca in concert this Sunday. Life doesn't get any better than this, apart from the baldness, piles, genital warts, body odour, premature ejac(excuse me, while I wipe this up) - and sanitised Tourette's/stream of consciousness.

Tonight's Newsnight on BBC2 wil have a report on the film 'Shooting Dogs'. I caught the special preview last week, but a few days ago it had its premier in Rwanda, in front of 1,500 people. John Hurt and Michael Caton-Jones were apprehensive about the screning, so I am keen to find out what happened. What was the reaction of the crowd? By necessity (low budget = small cast & tight storyline), the film didn't dwell too much on the Hutu point of view (shame, given the long historical emnity/tense relationship between Hutu & Tutsi).


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