The blog of the traveller, observer and writer, Woz.
Happiness is the man with rhythm. Copyright © 2003-2021, Woz

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Amour? C'est très très dur!


It's good to be awake and not spaced out as I have been the past week. I'd love to have a sleep pattern that wasn't so random right now.

Gave the shiny new HB42 intake a talk. Quite pleased as I managed to get the words 'shit' and 'twat' in there. More seriously though, I do hope they got the key message that if you want to learn, it's yours.

Amazing to have managed to catch up with Gurjit after all these years. I wish I had picked up the phone (when I still remembered his home number) sooner.


I feel hungry but just don't want to cook.

I told someone I was 'serious', but while they believed me, they responded with 'I can't'. Kind of reminds me of this:

The sum of all encounters

25th September 2005

You said I didn't,
I said you wouldn't -
kind of agreed we couldn't,
for we both knew we shouldn't.

Plans: plans? Oh. Errrrrr...some episodes of UT, some studying, some sleep, some time for regrets. Etc, etc. On and on, ad nauseum.

Listening to: Mandrill, Osibisa, Cymande & Vinicius de Moraes


Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, yes, I'm curious. How did you get the words shit and twat in there and how did they react? Did they laugh? Did any look shocked?

Like the poem. It's succinct.

9:46 am

Blogger Woz said...

I dropped the words in there as a relevant part of the speech. They laughed, asked lots of questions during and afterwards over dinner. The tutors were pleased but did wince once or twice. The key feedback repeatedly featured the word 'inspirational'. Not what I was going for, but good nonetheless.

But apart from that and catching up with an old friend after so many years, it was great to discover that a beautiful 25yo lady is interested in me, even if she 'can't' follow up on her tendancy to follow me around and watch me and banter with me. If nothing else, it's immensely flattering.

As for the poem...its from a similar incident back in 2005...

10:33 am


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