The followers of Rumi...
...will be in town this Friday night. The Whirling Dervishes (Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi) of Konya are at the RFH this Friday, and barring last minute hitches, I should be there to witness the most striking aspect of Sufi mysticism.
Not the Detroit Spinners

Send more vice cards to Fearless.
Could this be ,Tony Blairs way into ,islamic issues or just more spin?
Hope you enjoyed the spiritual whizz sounds just the friday night thing.
Perhaps an organic ,recycled,air conditioning system.
Spin away your stress! Pat.
5:54 pm
Ha ha. It was an excellent performance, but I felt bad, as it's really a ceremony that is not usually performed in front of an audience of non-Dervishes. I left feeling a little the intruder.
A group of musicians played while the poetry of Rumi was sung and the Dervishes whirled. The closing stage included a recital of some Koranic verses and a prayer.
Watching them whirl and enter a trance, you sense the introspection giving way to the communication with God.
The whirling reminded me of being a child on a park roundabout - have any of you seen roundabouts recently?
I was saddened by people taking photographs, disturbing the ceremony.
The event also reminded me of the feeling of ecstacy felt by the audience of Qawwali music concerts.
Whether Sufi mystics, Qawwali or Ghazal singers, the sounds are sweet, sweeter still afterwards, when you realise that your soul has been caressed, possibly cleansed - certainly subtly different.
Apologies for the lack of eloquence. Have not had much sleep in the last 3 days and have returned from my Brighton bender to celebrate Briggsy's 40th.
Thanks for commenting.
7:11 pm
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