The blog of the traveller, observer and writer, Woz.
Happiness is the man with rhythm. Copyright © 2003-2021, Woz

Sunday, April 24, 2005


While Diddy recovers from his broken wrist (i'll leave you to imagine how he did that), I thought it would be good to revisit one of his earlier career highs, from Xmas 2004 in Stockholm, home of the fantastic Ardberg Room (68 Vasterlanggatan), gorgeous women and wickedly overpriced alcohol.

'The Cistern Kid'

The Cistern Kid
was a friend of mine.

The Cistern Kid
drank lots of beer and wine.

He imbibed more beers
and banished all fears...

'Go on Wozzy, go fuck your luck'

He imbibed more beers and,
banished all fears.

The Cistern Kid
snored all through the night.

The Cistern Kid
broke wind, ruining my night.

The Cistern Kid
decided to bathe awhile.

What I heard was

Then the Cistern Kid
got up from the tub.

But he slipped up
fell out - arms open wide.

I heard 'crack-crash'
and the room flooded awhile.

'I better call reception Wozzy!'

For the Cistern Kid
cracked porcelain that time.

The Cistern Kid
destroyed the bathroom that time.

They inspected the damage
and upgraded our room.

They inspected the damage
and asked us to vacate 329 soon.

We got free Pay-TV in 517
and he stayed naked
in the room until eleven.

The Cistern Kid
was a friend of mine.

The Cistern Kid
then committed
a sticky bedsheet crime.


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