The blog of the traveller, observer and writer, Woz.
Happiness is the man with rhythm. Copyright © 2003-2021, Woz

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Civil Liberties

'Banana Republic Blues'
When he polarises the masses
through a climate of fear,
changes the law
assuming you don't care,
and allows detention
without trial or sight of evidence,
making suspects vanish in thin air-
it's not just Mugabe in Harare
- it's also going on here.

I spent some time casting my votes for the directors of Liberty. I cringed at the thought that both our Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition are barristers, and that much of Liberty's directorship are also lawyers. I wanted to vote for some non-lawyers, people more connected with everyman's everyday struggles, but from the paperwork given to me, I wasn't sure which agenda I would be voting in - a reminder that democracy isn't the same as transparency.

Terrorists want us to live in fear. A fearful society closes it's borders, reduces civil liberties and then eats itself, as politicians campaign using the levers of fear, uncertainty and doubt. I think we are giving both terrorists and politicians what they want by doing nothing, so don't just sit there staring at this! Do something useful today:

Love, peace & respect,



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