The blog of the traveller, observer and writer, Woz.
Happiness is the man with rhythm. Copyright © 2003-2021, Woz

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I hate modern journalism. Journalism used to be about sifting the facts, analysing them. Today, with a few exceptions, it consists of reporting hearsay, preceded by sensationalist headlines and peppered with inaccuracies and prejudices.

New US defense secretary Gates was confirmed as saying that the USA was losing the war in Iraq. Actually, that doesn't appear to be true. In his confirmation hearing, the Senate Armed Services panel asked him if he thought America was 'winning in Iraq', he replied 'No, Sir'.

It's not the same thing. Yes, one could draw a conclusion that they are losing, but he didn't actually say that, so it can't be reported as such.

The National Audit Office (NAO) has just reported that 55% of Anti-Social Behavioural Orders (ASBOs) fail. The new reports fail to look at why they are failing. Is it because they are an inappropriate form of punishment/restraint? Are they being misapplied? Do we know the background on those who are breaching them?

If you get a bunch of kids, put them indoors during a beautiful summers day, then ensure they are bored, they go - in the nicest way - totally nuts. Parents refer to it as 'cabin fever'.

Young offenders (for want of a better term) have few chances, nowhere to go and nothing to do, so of course they're gonna raise hell.

An ASBO just ups the pressure. Wouldn't you try and buck it?

You gotta fix the cause, not the symptom. But I guess people don't wanna hear that while munching their cornflakes and driving their Chelsea Tractors.


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