The blog of the traveller, observer and writer, Woz.
Happiness is the man with rhythm. Copyright © 2003-2021, Woz

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Love, is the ultimate equaliser.
No-one has control,
and there can never be
just one victor.

It is often vexing,
to know that to have
feelings is not enough;
they have to be acted upon -
it's instinctive, so they say.

Sure, one could do a '10CC',
and like that ol' song,
fire out disclaimers,
seed the lovescape with
countless red herrings,
and cloak their fear within
a smokescreen.
But, feelings are oblivious.

One can play games,
rope in supporting cast
and play along with the script,
but feelings, aah...
they sit animated
in the director's chair.

One can repress away,
run away if they dare.
But one can never escape,
no matter their pace.
For feelings have
an infinite embrace.


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